For a financial institution like sefa, information is key and central to the products and services they offer in the future as today’s entrepreneurs are faced with myriad challenges and, the business environment is constantly changing.
The unit for research at sefa has responded to the challenges by developing a knowledge bank which will be used as a source of information accessible all staff members. The Research unit works through partnership with information producing institutions like universities and other sources to commission information data relevant to SMMEs and business operations.
The focus is on different industries which complement the sefa business. For sefa to remain competitive, sefa needs to develop a culture of using information at its disposal. The information not used is as good as meaningless and does not translate into knowledge.
Internet is changing the way people communicate, do business, exchange ideas, study and transmit information. A working knowledge of the entrepreneurs, their businesses and environment, is a required asset in the modern development finance world.
The knowledge bank is a platform to share knowledge effectively and to ensure that people who need it get it. Sharing knowledge will enable sefa to respond faster to client needs, deliver quality products, encourage innovation, and to continually introduce new services to its clients.
The Research knowledge bank, located on intranet, is to assist sefa staff to easily access information on the industries they are on. This will be an ongoing project and it will be updated regularly
Information is an integral part of all aspects of our modern life. In a knowledge economy information is critical for organisations to survive.