Project Vitality set to enhance financial decisions and reporting

    Shoki Ralebepa - Chief Financial Officer of sefa

    Financial sustainability is at the centre of developing long term vision for the organisation. Operating a sustainable organisation needs long term goals that outline where the business wants to go in the future. sefa has just come up with a project called Project Vitality(PV) which aims to develop a financial model that will position the organisation as a sustainable entity.


    This project looks to develop a financial model that will identify the best use of the resources and close the loops in the system.


    Project Vitality was launched towards the end of January and is well on track to complete the first phase by 13 March.


    Consultations have been held with all business units to establish methods to allocate costs to functions and to gain an understanding of the responsibilities of each function. The actual financial model is currently being developed.


     If anybody has been wondering about the sefa branded T shirts, they belong to the ambassadors of the project who need everybody’s assistance to ensure that the project is successful.


    The project is designed in such a way that all business units will receive optimal benefits. This will be highly dependent on the prompt and accurate input by everybody as and when required to do so.


    “The project will assist sefa in linking strategy to balanced score card, and how each product contributes to sustainability of sefa ”, says the CFO, Shoki Ralebepa.